Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK day

When I was growing up, in school today was a really big deal. We spent a few weeks preparing plays, songs, poems- we're talking literary works of art here people! Then the entire school would come together in the afternoon (of the Friday before) and put on one of the best tribute shows to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that you would ever see!

Now that I'm a lot older (and no longer have my days planned out by school administrators)
it seems as though this day has lost its fervor. It appears to have become just another day off.I realize that not everyone is going to share the same sentiments about today, but that doesn't mean I have to be sucked down that path either. I also want my son to be able to have similar experiences to what I had growing up (and he likely isn't going to get that from school- at least not the school system where we are now).

Last year we had the pleasure of visiting The Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection located at the Center for Civil and Human Rights. I was blown away. This was a collection of Dr. King's personal belongings and life work during the time period of 1944-1968. Talk about crazy! Items were immaculately preserved (so obviously I have no pictures from the exhibit)  and the historical value has been maintained. From seeing how simple things like a men's travel kit has evolved and some things remain the same. Did you know he took his exams in blue books. If you've ever taken a college writing exam you know exactly what blue book I'm referring to. And for the record, if I ever become a historical figure- do NOT display my blue books. I'm positive there is no value in that.

In the future I'd like to take a trip to the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial. The last time I visited DC, my son wasn't born, I wasn't married, and the memorial wasn't even built yet. I've heard many first hand accounts of what it's like to be there- but I want us to experience it for ourselves.

If we are going to be off from work and school I want to make it count.  I want my son to know the importance of this day and the historical significance surrounding the work of Dr. King.

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1 comment:

  1. that's so awesome...i want to use these special holidays for more educational moments hopefully next year!!


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